The ponderings of my 16 year young daughter

Hope Charmaine
3 min readFeb 17, 2023

I was busy preparing dinner when Meg walked in and chose her favourite corner on the kitchen counter. She pushed herself up and sat quietly with her legs dangling down the side. We’ve reached a point in our relationship, where we can sense each other’s next move. Almost like a mother-daughter dance, perfectly in sync. Off goes whatever is blasting through my earphones, as I wait for her to share her latest acquired knowledge or opinion.

AI generated from a picture by Author- Meg giving me a massage

Meg — About unsolicited comments and opinions ( Trigger warning- Rape reference)

She decided to take a break from studying and like most of the world she turned to Tik Tok. Her attention was drawn to a video of a girl sharing a traumatic experience. The girl was raped and took to Tik Tok to share the effect it had on her mental health. Some reached out to support her. A few men took it upon themselves to correct her on her story. The comments hinted at how it should not affect her as it happened a while ago. Some insinuated that it can’t be as bad and other absurd suggestions. I am uncertain if it’s due to a lack of listening skills or the desensitization of society.

We can only give to others what we have in ourselves-Unknown

I’ve heard and used this quote so many times and yet it never seems to lose it’s…



Hope Charmaine

Love People. Love Life. Jesus Lover. Reciprocator. Love Wordplay. Overthink at times. Writing to pay it forward.